Safe and Sound - Valiant Pictures - JPG
Safe and Sound - Valiant Pictures - JPG
Safe and Sound - Valiant Pictures - MP4 34s

Safe and Sound
Valiant Pictures

Safe and Sound - - Valiant Pictures

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Safe and Sound
Production Company: Valiant Pictures
Director(s): Ian Kammer
Producer(s): Vincent Lin & Matthew D'Amato
Client: Valiant Pictures
Director of Photography: Justin Gurnari
Script: Ian Kammer & Joshua Storms
Sound Design: Zak DeVries
Instagram Tag: @valiantpictures
Short Synopsis: Late at night while babysitting a precocious six-year-old, a teenage girl is stalked by a shadowy presence that sets off the home security system. The alarm meant to protect the house becomes an amplifying terror while they attempt to survive the night.
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