COMMERCIAL WORK (Commercials and Branded Content - Long)

Puma Fearless - Hamlet & Falca Visual SL - Puma JPG
Puma Fearless - Hamlet & Falca Visual SL - Puma VIMEO 3m:00s

Puma Fearless - Puma
Hamlet & Falca Visual SL

Puma Fearless - Puma - Hamlet & Falca Visual SL


Title of Piece: Puma Fearless
Brand: Puma
Production Company: Hamlet & Falca Visual SL
Director(s): Julien & Quentin
Producer(s): Ignasi Vargas
Agency: La Fourmi
Client: Puma
Director of Photography: Antoine Cormier
Instagram Tag: @Falcagram#Puma_Fearless
Short Synopsis: Neymar! Rolfo! Griezmann! Football players representing the Puma Brand share the leading role in this commercial, where young people live the football and sports lifestyle with intense emotion.
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