COMMERCIAL WORK (Commercials and Branded Content - Short)

Dance into confidence - arc1801 - Better Me JPG
Dance into confidence - arc1801 - Better Me VIMEO 1m:11s

Dance into confidence - Better Me

Dance into confidence - Better Me - arc1801

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Dance into confidence
Brand: Better Me
Production Company: arc1801
Director(s): Nata Ivanova
Producer(s): Anna Bondarenko
Client: Better Me
Director of Photography: @khatsarevich
Production Design: @genadzi_tumelevich
Editor: @oveay
Script: @nataliaivanovaaaa
Visual Effects: @danillk_0
Colour Grading: @didrikbrathen
Music Composer: @koloah
Instagram Tag: director @nataliaivanovaaaa creative producer @ane4kb choreographer @konstantin_koval_
Sound Design: @massivemusic
Short Synopsis: “Dance into Confidence” is a video campaign for the brand "Better Me" that celebrates Vogue culture as a transformative vehicle for self-confidence. From the very beginning, our team was inspired by the immense impact Vogue culture has had on individuals around the world, empowering them to embrace their unique identities and express themselves with utmost confidence.
For us, Ukrainians, this topic is of great importance, since Vogue culture gained popularity not so long ago in Ukraine and public support for LGBT representatives is a very important part of our work.
Insecurities are all too common to confirm this fact — 6 in 7 people worldwide are plagued by feelings of self-doubt. We meticulously curated the visual aesthetics to amplify the message of self-assurance and empowerment. Bold colors, striking lighting, and dynamic camera movements all contributed to the vibrant atmosphere of the video, accentuating the strength and grace of the dancers.
Throughout the video, we showcase individuals who have found their strength and authenticity through Vogue. It was very important for us to find people who are part of the Vogue community and we are very glad that representatives of the Vogue community located in Poland took part in our project. Not only were they important characters in our video, but they helped us immerse ourselves in the culture and history of Vogue.
In this project, we took a step beyond traditional filmmaking by incorporating not only a film camera on the steadicam but also an fpv drone and a 360 camera. This combination allowed us to elevate the visual experience and enrich the video with immersive perspectives. Throughout the entire process, the project was fueled by an overwhelming love and passion from the dedicated team of 90 people who worked tirelessly during the 12-hour filming shift.
During the solo improvisational performances of our dancers, the atmosphere transformed into a magnificent ballroom, capturing everyone's attention and creating a seamless shooting experience. The team documented the organic happenings with genuine excitement, joy, and an abundance of smiles and hugs. Behind the scenes, countless hours were devoted to meticulous planning, coordination, scouting, and rehearsals, ensuring every detail was carefully considered. Days and nights were spent on fittings and creative explorations to discover the best stylistic solutions, resulting in a truly exceptional project.
I am incredibly proud of the entire team's dedication and passion in bringing this project to life. We made the deliberate decision to capture this project on a film camera. The use of a film camera compelled us to approach each shot with care and intentionality. Every frame became a meticulously crafted piece of art, with the dance floor serving as our canvas. By embracing this medium, we sought to evoke a nostalgic ambiance, transporting our audience to a bygone era where elegance and sophistication reigned supreme.
This project is interwoven with love and passion for our team, ourselves, and life itself. The immense love we have for this project as a team is evident, and we sincerely hope that you will share the same love for it too.
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