COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Direction)

Zurich Tourism - Business in the front - Party in the Back - Shining Film AG - JPG
Zurich Tourism - Business in the front - Party in the Back - Shining Film AG - JPG
Zurich Tourism - Business in the front - Party in the Back - Shining Film AG - YOUTUBE 57s

Zurich Tourism - Business in the front - Party in the Back
Shining Film AG

Zurich Tourism - Business in the front - Party in the Back - - Shining Film AG

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Zurich Tourism - Business in the front - Party in the Back
Production Company: Shining Film AG
Director(s): Maximilian Speidel, Thomas Cervenca
Producer(s): Leonardo Sanfilippo, Stefan Girtanner, Gustav Richter, Nathalie Maibach
Agency: Sir Mary
Client: Zurich Tourism
Instagram Tag: @maximilianspeidel @dirsten_kunst @ shining_film
Short Synopsis: When three business people order a coffee at business meeting in a very sterile environment, they suddenly get sucked into a night full of adventure, fun and lust following a funky waiter and his amazing mullet.
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