COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: VFX/Animation)

NCS - Grow Your Strengths - CHAOS & ACCENTURE - JPG
NCS - Grow Your Strengths - CHAOS & ACCENTURE - MOV 30s

NCS - Grow Your Strengths

NCS - Grow Your Strengths - - CHAOS & ACCENTURE

Official Selection

Title of Piece: NCS - Grow Your Strengths
Production Company: CHAOS & ACCENTURE
Director(s): Jason Yan Francis
Producer(s): Sam Breen & Marie Fioriti
Client: NCS
Instagram Tag: @accenturesong @jason_yan_francis @mariefioriti @iamsambreen @ncs @luke.c.harper @louis_evennou
Short Synopsis: Young people are often criticized for being unproductive and self-obsessed because they ‘waste their time’ on useless interests like tik tok dancing and using social media. But we tried to show that these outlets actually help them develop incredibly valuable skills for the future. So, the idea was to take real criticism from news articles, tv personalities, and the internet and translate them into skills. Showing that NCS both recognizes and can help hone these strengths.
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