COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Use of Sound & Music)

No Sleep Till Inclusion Is Real - Mr.Frank, Hammerfest - The Social Hub JPG
No Sleep Till Inclusion Is Real - Mr.Frank, Hammerfest - The Social Hub JPG
No Sleep Till Inclusion Is Real - Mr.Frank, Hammerfest - The Social Hub MOV 1m:50s

No Sleep Till Inclusion Is Real - The Social Hub
Mr.Frank, Hammerfest

No Sleep Till Inclusion Is Real - The Social Hub - Mr.Frank, Hammerfest


Title of Piece: No Sleep Till Inclusion Is Real
Brand: The Social Hub
Production Company: Mr.Frank, Hammerfest
Director(s): Heleen Declercq
Producer(s): Miguel Teixeira, Alex Heringa, Marlon van der Strigt, Ida Bulolo
Agency: Hammerfest
Client: The Social Hub
Instagram Tag: @heleendclrcq #nosleeptillinclusionisreal
Short Synopsis: How do you make a meaningful statement about inclusion for a hospitality brand? The story in "No Sleep Till Inclusion Is Real" is woven with tiny moments that unfold inside the hotel rooms as the clock strikes the late-night hours. By capturing these moments, director Heleen Declercq celebrates the resilience of people from the queer community and their allies.
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