COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Use of Sound & Music)

Dragon Beer - Anorak Film GmbH/MassiveVoices GmbH - Dragon Beer JPG
Dragon Beer - Anorak Film GmbH/MassiveVoices GmbH - Dragon Beer MP4 1m:15s

Dragon Beer - Dragon Beer
Anorak Film GmbH/MassiveVoices GmbH

Dragon Beer - Dragon Beer - Anorak Film GmbH/MassiveVoices GmbH

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Dragon Beer
Brand: Dragon Beer
Production Company: Anorak Film GmbH/MassiveVoices GmbH
Director(s): Michael Lawrence
Producer(s): Felix Knabel, Alex Zhang Hungtai, MassiveVoices
Agency: The Secret Little Agency, Singapore
Client: Dragon Beer, Cambodia
Director of Photography: Michael Lawrence
Editor: Graham Chisholm
Creative Director: MavisLiang, Adithya Venugopal
Music Composer: Alex Zhang Hungtai
Instagram Tag: @anorak_film, @instagrahamchisholm, @massivevoices, @mrmlawrence,
Sound Design: Frank Wiedmann
Short Synopsis: Dragon Beer is a Cambodian Premium brand. Although not for long on the market, it is already very popular not only in Cambodia but also in Europe. The task was to visualise traditions and pleasures of Cambodian life. We transported trough sound, music and the language Khmer the whole picture.
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