COMMERCIAL WORK (Cultural Impact)

Third Culture Individual - Footloose Films - JPG
Third Culture Individual - Footloose Films - YOUTUBE 7m:09s

Third Culture Individual
Footloose Films

Third Culture Individual - - Footloose Films

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Third Culture Individual
Production Company: Footloose Films
Director(s): Amit Mishr
Producer(s): Kedhhar Barrve
Agency: -
Client: SaudiExports
Instagram Tag: @footloosefilms @metafella @kedhharbarrve @suryab @ pal_sing @dayasuryavanshi
Short Synopsis: The experience of growing up in a culture that is not your own is a complex and multifaceted one, and it is the central theme of this story. The characters in this film are all grappling with questions of identity and belonging, and their journeys are a reflection of the challenges that many third culture kids face.
In the film we find them dealing with change in a disjointed, disconnected manner, the film explores the idea of what it means to be rooted in a place and a culture that is not yours to call, but just by looking at you someone might perceive other wise, this impacts one's sense of self and we often crawl into our own silences.
But resilient as we are, our resolve leaks out the best humanity has to offer, as awkwardly as it may be or as silently. The use of a visual structure that allowed me to jump timelines, helped create this sense of movement and restlessness that is a hallmark of the third culture kid experience.The constant sense of change and flux that is often associated with growing up in different culture, alters perceptions of different characters at different timelines in their lives and each cope and prod along in their own unique ways.
Any individual coping with stresses of moving places, retirement, loss of a loved one, has an enormous amount on their mind and the best of these individuals quietly do what they must, and it was this aspect that I wanted to capture in the film, the film aims to show the faces of resilience and hope and how unassuming they generally are. Ultimately, the film hopes to resonate with audiences who have experienced similar feelings of displacement and longing for a place to call home. By sharing these stories, the film offers a sense of connection and understanding for those who have experienced remotely anything like this.
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