COMMERCIAL WORK (Commercials and Branded Content - Long)

The Exiled Team - Moonheist - Brahma JPG
The Exiled Team - Moonheist - Brahma JPG
The Exiled Team - Moonheist - Brahma VIMEO 5m:51s

The Exiled Team - Brahma

The Exiled Team - Brahma - Moonheist


Title of Piece: The Exiled Team
Brand: Brahma
Production Company: Moonheist
Director(s): Willy Hajli
Producer(s): Henrique Carvalhaes, Ariel Hidal, William Kim, Manu Fenerich
Agency: Africa Creative
Client: Ambev
Director of Photography: Vitor Bossa
Editor: Lucas Cainã
Creative Director: Nicholas Bergantin, Gustavo Victorino, Rodrigo Marangoni
Script: Nicholas Bergantin, Gustavo Victorino
Copywriter: Nicholas Bergantin
Visual Effects: Valdo Caetano, Francinaldo Lemos, Felipe Lopes e Cadu Cipolla Luca
Colour Grading: Henrique Reganatti
Music Composer: Roberto Coelho, Hurso Ambrifi, Adilson Koiti, Mike Vlcek
Instagram Tag: @willyhajli @itsmoonheist
Sound Design: Iran Ribas, Vithor Moraes
Short Synopsis: 'The Exiled Team' portrays the community of Prudentópolis, located in the countryside of Paraná, Brazil, where lies the biggest Ukrainian community of Latin America. It aims to depict the cultural preservation of a country at war. Shot as a hybrid between fiction and documentary, the narrative is built around the transformation of the local football team, A.A Batel, into Mariupol F.C - Mariupol's football team that has ceased to exist as Russian forces have seized and destroyed the city.
Extra Credit 1: Executive Producer: Henrique Carvalhaes
Extra Credit 2: Executive Producer: Ariel Hidal
Extra Credit 3: Executive Producer: William Kim
Extra Credit 4: Producer: Manu Fenerich
Extra Credit 5: Found footage and folk song montage: Osvald Landmark
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