COMMERCIAL WORK (New Generation Award)

Growers: JPG
Growers: JPG
Growers: VIMEO 2m:20s

Growers: "El Sabor Ancestral" - Peruvian Coffee Growers
Palo Santo Media



Title of Piece: Growers: "El Sabor Ancestral"
Brand: Peruvian Coffee Growers
Production Company: Palo Santo Media
Director(s): Mariel Sosa
Producer(s): Mariel Sosa
Director of Photography: Ksusha Genenfeld
Editor: Ítalo Bancayán
Script: Mariel Sosa
Colour Grading: Sam Gilling
Music Composer: Yannick Wandel
Instagram Tag: @palosanto________@marielsosa__ @ksushagenenfeld @sgllng @yannick.wandel
Short Synopsis: Amidst Peru's Mountains and the Amazon, a coffee farmer crosses between worlds with every crop, seeking to be reunited with his late mentor/mother.
Extra Credit 1: Voice Over Script: Valeri Hernani
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