COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Editing)

Nike Feel Your All - Zalando Studios Gmbh - Nike JPG
Nike Feel Your All - Zalando Studios Gmbh - Nike MP4 1m:30s

Nike Feel Your All - Nike
Zalando Studios Gmbh

Nike Feel Your All - Nike - Zalando Studios Gmbh


Title of Piece: Nike Feel Your All
Brand: Nike
Production Company: Zalando Studios Gmbh
Director(s): Stini Roehrs
Producer(s): Joseph Timbs
Agency: Zalando Studios Gmbh
Client: Nike
Director of Photography: Chris Aoun
Editor: Nik Kohler
Colour Grading: Tim Smith
Costume Design: Saskia Schmidt
Music Composer: Moritz Staub
Instagram Tag: @stiniroehrs @joetimbs
Sound Design: Moritz Staub
Short Synopsis: This film series for Nike is about finding the internal greatness that exists inside all of us.

The greatness that you can find when you dig deep.

Because If you're moving your body – you can't go wrong.
Extra Credit 1: Casting: Ariane Mason
Extra Credit 2: Art Direction: Margo Maro & Alejandra Morote Peralta
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