COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Use of Sound & Music)

The Interview - Impolite Culture GmbH, - Retterspitz JPG
The Interview - Impolite Culture GmbH, - Retterspitz VIMEO 9m:20s

The Interview - Retterspitz
Impolite Culture GmbH,

The Interview - Retterspitz - Impolite Culture GmbH,


Title of Piece: The Interview
Brand: Retterspitz
Production Company: Impolite Culture GmbH,
Director(s): Björn Swoboda, Eike Frederik Schulz
Producer(s): Lorenzo Musiu, Matteo Stefani, Giuditta Mauri, Lorenzo Bramati
Agency: Impolite Culture GmbH
Client: Retterspitz
Director of Photography: Marco Depa
Production Design: Chiara Trancossi
Editor: Filippo Patelli
Script: Björn Swoboda, Eike Frederik Schulz, Lorenzo Musiu
Visual Effects: Giorgio Ajello, Paul Schwabe
Colour Grading: Julien von Schultzendorff, Royal Muster
Costume Design: TINY IDOLS, Pablo Patanè, Fabiana Vardaro
Music Composer: Sizzer, Daan Lutgendorff
Instagram Tag: @Retterspitz @sizzeramsterdam @bjornswoboda @Eikefrederik @impolitegmbh
Sound Design: Staubaudio, Moritz Staub
Short Synopsis: Showcasing Retterspitz's new eau de parfum Juniper, the film tells a story of a journalist assigned to interview a high profile perfumer. Arriving at the interview site, the heroine finds herself talking to a mysterious voice coming from the bathroom - she cannot see the person on the other side of the door, yet very quickly the roles switch and the journalist becomes the one answering personal questions.
The faceless voice is the manifestation of the fragrance igniting the lead character’s imagination and putting her in a surreal dreamscape of her own creation. It is this world altering sensation that is at the core of the film - a scent’s ability to erase the border between reality and fantasy.
Extra Credit 1: Music Supervisor: Rachel Tauwnaar
Extra Credit 2: Music Producer: Mees van der Velde
Extra Credit 3: Executive Music Supervisor: Sander van Maarschalkerweerd
Extra Credit 4: Executive Music Producer: Michiel Marsman
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