COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Use of Sound & Music)

Lass die Natur mal machen - CZAR Film Germany - Hornbach JPEG
Lass die Natur mal machen - CZAR Film Germany - Hornbach MP4 45s

Lass die Natur mal machen - Hornbach
CZAR Film Germany

Lass die Natur mal machen - Hornbach - CZAR Film Germany


Title of Piece: Lass die Natur mal machen
Brand: Hornbach
Production Company: CZAR Film Germany
Director(s): Hauke Hilberg
Agency: heimattwa
Client: Hornbach
Instagram Tag: @playdisberlin
Short Synopsis: Hornbach believes that with long-standing droughts, water scarcity, climate change and declining bird and insect numbers, it is time to fundamentally rethink and correct the image of a perfect garden.

The music is a euphoric and slightly odd call of nature that tells us when we let nature do its thing, wonderful things can happen.

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