COMMERCIAL WORK (Cultural Impact)

Tribute to Freedom - FH Salzburg - JPEG
Tribute to Freedom - FH Salzburg - JPEG
Tribute to Freedom - FH Salzburg - VIMEO 30s

Tribute to Freedom
FH Salzburg

Tribute to Freedom - - FH Salzburg

Raw Selection

Title of Piece: Tribute to Freedom
Production Company: FH Salzburg
Director(s): Charlotte Wendt, Philipp Silbernagl
Producer(s): Katharina Gassler
Client: PETA
Instagram Tag: @thelittleinthemiddle @philippsilbernagl @ts_7r
Short Synopsis: Human needs are paramount in our world. Other living beings have to suffer time and again because of our actions, especially animals. Under the guise of supposed education and the exercise of species protection, it is legitimized that animals are often torturously put into glass boxes in a very confined space. Above all, animals want to follow their instincts and be able to decide what they do and where they go. They can only do that in their natural habitat, which we take away from them for our personal pleasure.
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