COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Use of Sound & Music)

NIVEA Sun - Bro Cinema - NIVEA Beiersdorf JPG
NIVEA Sun - Bro Cinema - NIVEA Beiersdorf MP4 2m:30s

NIVEA Sun - NIVEA Beiersdorf
Bro Cinema

NIVEA Sun - NIVEA Beiersdorf - Bro Cinema

Official Selection

Title of Piece: NIVEA Sun
Brand: NIVEA Beiersdorf
Production Company: Bro Cinema
Director(s): Mario Patrocinio
Producer(s): Bro Cinema
Agency: Publicis One Touch
Client: NIVEA Beiersdorf
Music Composer: MassiveMusic Berlin
Instagram Tag: @massivemusic #NIVEA
Short Synopsis: The musical approach was to reflect the journey of our main character Criola, who is looking for the perfect urban space to realise her vision and continue on her creative path.
It needed to be laid back and summery, uplifting and light (with a bit of edge), and incorporate some Latino influences. Most importantly it required authenticity.
We constructed the soundtrack in a playful, yet confident way. Composing individual tracks for different scenes, that share stylistic elements and a similar production style, we effectively created a hip hop mixtape to introduce Criola. The music is rhythmic driven and and urban, yet timeless style, and the brass and string samples give the music an authentic latin inspired hip hop flavour.
Extra Credit 1: Joss Brightwell
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