COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Use of Sound & Music)

INTERSPORT Einmal Sport immer Sport - Markenfilm Hamburg GmbH - INTERSPORT JPG
INTERSPORT Einmal Sport immer Sport - Markenfilm Hamburg GmbH - INTERSPORT MOV 9m:44s

INTERSPORT Einmal Sport immer Sport - INTERSPORT
Markenfilm Hamburg GmbH

INTERSPORT Einmal Sport immer Sport - INTERSPORT - Markenfilm Hamburg GmbH

Official Selection

Title of Piece: INTERSPORT Einmal Sport immer Sport
Production Company: Markenfilm Hamburg GmbH
Director(s): Salomon Ligthelm
Producer(s): Felix Rodewyk
Agency: Jung von Matt Sport
Music Composer: MassiveMusic Berlin
Instagram Tag: @massivemusic
Sound Design: MassiveMusic Berlin
Short Synopsis: The biggest challenge was to create a 10 minute score that grabbed the attention of the viewer and would guide you through the emotions
of our protagonist Clara.
A lot of input came from the director Salomon Lighthelm. There are obvious moments in the film where there is tension and the music
intensifies it. But the main story of the film focuses on the relationship between the protagonist and her father. We used subtle hymns and
melodies that represent the bond between father and daughter.
The music had to also stay interesting without revealing too much of the story. We did this by creating our own unique string textures. We
used these through out the score to create and release tension.
For instance in the beginning the string texture creates a lot of tension when we see Clara’s(the main character) father get abducted.
In the more emotional moments for instance when Clara watches her father’s old speech on her TV the strings create a deeper emotional
Extra Credit 1: Tip Florijn van den Bos
Extra Credit 2: Joss Brightwell
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