Pop Trading Company x Timex - Artillerie - JPG
Pop Trading Company x Timex - Artillerie - JPG
Pop Trading Company x Timex - Artillerie - VIMEO 46s

Pop Trading Company x Timex

Pop Trading Company x Timex - - Artillerie


Title of Piece: Pop Trading Company x Timex
Production Company: Artillerie
Director(s): Patrick Louwerse
Producer(s): Philippe AvendaƱo Vera, Sara Vallis
Client: Pop Trading Company x Timex
Director of Photography: Thomas van Krugten
Production Design: Jorn van der Putte, A Small Gang Studio
Editor: Patrick Louwerse
Visual Effects: Patrick Louwerse
Colour Grading: Joppo in de Grot
Music Composer: Efrem Angela
Instagram Tag: @patricklouwerse
Sound Design: Sharkee
Short Synopsis: Patrick Louwerse, a director and animator, takes the lead in an unconventional and abstract advertisement that highlights a partnership between a fashion label and a watch brand.
Extra Credit 1: A Small Gang Crew: Lucas de Bruin
Extra Credit 2: A Small Gang Crew: Pepin Steenkamp
Extra Credit 3: A Small Gang Crew: Rafael van Hoften
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