COMMERCIAL WORK (Commercials and Branded Content - Short)

Peugeot Landtrek - Allure That Endures - Panda Films - Peugeot Landtrek JPEG
Peugeot Landtrek - Allure That Endures - Panda Films - Peugeot Landtrek VIMEO 43s

Peugeot Landtrek - Allure That Endures - Peugeot Landtrek
Panda Films

Peugeot Landtrek - Allure That Endures - Peugeot Landtrek - Panda Films

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Peugeot Landtrek - Allure That Endures
Brand: Peugeot Landtrek
Production Company: Panda Films
Director(s): James F. Coton
Producer(s): Chad Öztürk, Suat Saglam, Eser Fırat, Zeki Kahveci
Agency: Çözüm & Open Paris
Client: Peugeot
Instagram Tag: @pandafilms_istanbul #pandalovesu
Short Synopsis: Landtrek is the Offroad and city models of Peugeot car constructor and they needed both city and Offroad locations. The cars didn’t exist in Turkey so we brought them in from France and shot this piece in Turkey with full local casting in two different regions in Turkey.
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