COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Direction)

Thrill-Seekers - Triple Story Content - South African Tourism JPG
Thrill-Seekers - Triple Story Content - South African Tourism JPG
Thrill-Seekers - Triple Story Content - South African Tourism VIMEO 1m:22s

Thrill-Seekers - South African Tourism
Triple Story Content

Thrill-Seekers - South African Tourism - Triple Story Content


Title of Piece: Thrill-Seekers
Brand: South African Tourism
Production Company: Triple Story Content
Director(s): Lamar Bryce Bonhomme
Producer(s): Monareng Makwetla; Treyvone Moosa
Agency: Activ8
Client: South African Tourism
Instagram Tag: @therealbonhomme @triplestorycontent @traveltosa @monarengmakwetla #comejourneywithus
Short Synopsis: Thrill-seeking friends from Luanda, Angola, motorbike their way into South Africa, where they backpack throughout the Eastern Cape, bungi jumping, zip-lining, and hiking through parts of South Africa that very few have even laid their eyes on. The sound design is a textural layer along the journey that scores the fact that a traveller can experience something new around every corner. This is a love story between tourist and destination, a transformative tale of epic proportions.
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