COMMERCIAL WORK (Commercials and Branded Content - Short)

The Birth - Esoft - JPG
The Birth - Esoft - JPG
The Birth - Esoft - MP4 25s

The Birth

The Birth - - Esoft

Raw Selection

Title of Piece: The Birth
Production Company: Esoft
Director(s): Søren Grau, Lasse Jensen
Producer(s): Kristian Petersen
Client: Werner Boliger
Instagram Tag: @sorengrau @lassjens @esoft
Short Synopsis: Real Estate agency 'Werner Boliger' wants to tell a story about how they just want to give the best condition for their clients. It is a funny story about real estate agent 'Mads' who "appears" into people's treasured life situations to tell about Werner Boliger and how they can help their client with a housing facility... Often excused by his embarrassed wife.
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