COMMERCIAL WORK (Commercials and Branded Content - Short)

Getting teens to move is not easy - Big Productions - JPG
Getting teens to move is not easy - Big Productions - MOV 45s

Getting teens to move is not easy
Big Productions

Getting teens to move is not easy - - Big Productions

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Getting teens to move is not easy
Production Company: Big Productions
Director(s): Julie Navarro
Producer(s): Raphael Carassic
Agency: Romance
Client: Santé Publique France
Instagram Tag: @bigprodparis @julie___navarro
Short Synopsis: The film shows our dear teenagers in their assumed inactivity, refractory to any parental invitation to get moving or to practice a physical activity. As many benevolent requests from parents as categorical refusals from teenagers. But if the teens show resistance, so do the parents, who do not give up out of love for their offspring. A film with universal situations well known to parents of teenagers, directed with humor and accuracy, which reminds all parents that they are not alone and should not be discouraged because encouragement always pays off in the end. The film is accompanied by a digital campaign aimed at parents and health professionals that links to The site features tips and tricks to help teens get more active, as well as a test to assess their level of physical activity.
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