COMMERCIAL WORK (Cultural Impact)

The Giving Dead - Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg - Donate Life JPG
The Giving Dead - Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg - Donate Life VIMEO 46s

The Giving Dead - Donate Life
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

The Giving Dead - Donate Life - Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg


Title of Piece: The Giving Dead
Brand: Donate Life
Production Company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Director(s): Florian Reittner
Producer(s): Lara Pollmeier
Agency: no agency involved
Client: Donate Life
Director of Photography: Vincent Eckert
Production Design: Celine Ahlbrecht
Editor: Elias Engelhart
Creative Director: Florian Reittner
Script: Florian Reittner
Copywriter: Florian Reittner
Visual Effects: Tom Tolle, Esse House, Royal Film
Colour Grading: Tyler Roth
Costume Design: Sarah Meischein
Music Composer: Clemens Gutjahr
Instagram Tag: @florianreittner
Sound Design: Johannes Lugstein
Short Synopsis: With a Zombie above her and a deadly drop below her, Becky sue is barely clinging to the edge of a cliff. When the Zombie tears off his arm to get hold of her, she finally slips off. However, her fall is caught by an unexpected helping hand, and the terrifying Zombie turns out to be not quite as deadly as assumed.
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