COMMERCIAL WORK (Cultural Impact)

Sometimes To One Hundred - Subversus - JPG
Sometimes To One Hundred - Subversus - JPG
Sometimes To One Hundred - Subversus - VIMEO 6m:49s

Sometimes To One Hundred

Sometimes To One Hundred - - Subversus


Title of Piece: Sometimes To One Hundred
Production Company: Subversus
Director(s): VERSUS
Client: Powerhouse Museum
Director of Photography: Campbell Brown
Editor: Sean McDermott
Colour Grading: Matt Fezz
Animation: Serwah Attafuah
Music Composer: Angus Jin (Nerdie)
Instagram Tag: @usversus, @subversus_
Short Synopsis: A lonely protagonist wanders Western Sydney, monitoring the audio levels of various everyday occurrences. An exploration of noise and how it shapes space and perceptions in Western Sydney, featuring prose from Eda Gunaydin, animation by Serwah Attafuah, and a score from Nerdie (1300).
Extra Credit 1: Words: Eda Gunaydin
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