COMMERCIAL WORK (Cultural Impact)

Transenders - CURATOR Pictures - Nike Skateboarding JPG
Transenders - CURATOR Pictures - Nike Skateboarding VIMEO 9m:38s

Transenders - Nike Skateboarding
CURATOR Pictures

Transenders - Nike Skateboarding - CURATOR Pictures

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Transenders
Brand: Nike Skateboarding
Production Company: CURATOR Pictures
Director(s): Diane Russo Cheng
Producer(s): Hayley Young, Honna Kimmerer
Agency: CURATOR Pictures
Client: Nike Skateboarding and Skate Like A Girl (non-profit)
Director of Photography: Madeline Kate Kann
Editor: Sophia Lou
Colour Grading: Elodie Ichter
Music Composer: Reenna of Sympathetic Recordings
Instagram Tag: @diane_russo @curatorpictures
Sound Design: Bobb Barito of Forager
Short Synopsis: Transenders | a Skate Like A Girl Film

An intimate look into Skate Like A Girl, a nonprofit skateboarding organization, through the eyes of Alexa, a trans woman skateboarder and mentor. Directed, filmed, edited with final color and score by all-female and/or queer creative leaders.
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