Enter The Show - Colors - Hennessy JPG
Enter The Show - Colors - Hennessy MP4 5m:50s

Enter The Show - Hennessy

Enter The Show - Hennessy - Colors


Title of Piece: Enter The Show
Brand: Hennessy
Production Company: Colors
Director(s): Paolo Sorrentino
Producer(s): Jules Dieng, Julie Mathieu-Moreau
Agency: DDB Paris
Client: Hennessy
Director of Photography: Daria d’Antonio - @dariadantoo
Production Design: Eugenia Fernanda Di Napoli - @eugeniafernandadinapoli
Editor: Editor Director’s Cut: Cristiano Travaglioli
Copywriter: Lucie Guidon
Instagram Tag: @paolosorrentino_real @colorsparis @ddbparis @hennessy; Starring @jacksonwang852g7
Sound Design: The - @the_prod_paris
Extra Credit 1: head of post-production : Jérôme Deplatière - @jeromedeplatiere
Extra Credit 2: Chief Creative Officer DDB: Alexander Kalchev
Extra Credit 3: Art Director DDB: Matthew Massé
Extra Credit 4: TV Producer DDB: Quentin Moenne Loccoz - @quentinmoenneloccoz
Extra Credit 5: Account Managers DDB: Marie Melet / Sabrina Safir
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