COMMERCIAL WORK (Commercials and Branded Content - Short)

A (Slightly) Life-Changing Story - Believe Media - Meta JPG
A (Slightly) Life-Changing Story - Believe Media - Meta YOUTUBE 1m:50s

A (Slightly) Life-Changing Story - Meta
Believe Media

A (Slightly) Life-Changing Story - Meta - Believe Media

Raw Selection

Title of Piece: A (Slightly) Life-Changing Story
Brand: Meta
Production Company: Believe Media
Director(s): Floria Sigismondi
Producer(s): Elizabeth Silver (Believe Media), Nicholas Wrathall, Kathryn Riccio (Droga5), Mike Hasinoff (Droga5),
Agency: Droga5
Client: Meta
Director of Photography: Adam Newport-Berra
Production Design: Jeremy Reed
Editor: Joe Guest, Final Cut NY
Creative Director: Thom Glover (ECD) & Paul Meates (GCD), Droga5
Copywriter: Ben Brown
Visual Effects: Robert Bruce & Jake Slutsky, Blacksmith VFX
Colour Grading: Tom Poole, Company 3
Costume Design: Paola Alfaro
Music Composer: Music Track: "Sweet Cheeks" by Raf Rundell, Recorded by Peaches, mixed by Jack Sedgwick at King Lear Music & Sound, supervised by Sunny Kapoor and Lawrence Rothman at Curation Music
Instagram Tag: @floriasigismondi @believemedia
Sound Design: Ed Downham and Jack Sedgwick, King Lear Music and Sound
Short Synopsis: To encourage people not to opt out of receiving personalized ads, we needed to show how important they are to small businesses, and how (slightly) life-changing they can be to consumers.

“A (Slightly) Life-Changing Story” is a tongue-in-cheek celebration of that moment when you find something that’s just perfect for you. Each scene shows everyday people in the midst of revelation; their world transformed for the better (if only slightly) by the discovery they made while scrolling through their feed.
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