COMMERCIAL WORK (Commercials and Branded Content - Short)

Next of Kin - Sixnine GmbH - Birkenstock JPG
Next of Kin - Sixnine GmbH - Birkenstock VIMEO 1m:30s

Next of Kin - Birkenstock
Sixnine GmbH

Next of Kin - Birkenstock - Sixnine GmbH


Title of Piece: Next of Kin
Brand: Birkenstock
Production Company: Sixnine GmbH
Director(s): Sebastian Kortmann
Producer(s): Felix Stein
Client: Birkenstock
Director of Photography: Luka Glišić
Production Design: Esra Tamcok
Editor: Mario Stumpf
Creative Director: Mario Stumpf
Script: Sebastian Kortmann
Colour Grading: Adrian Honsberg
Music Composer: Blacktri Audio
Instagram Tag: @sebastiankortmann @sixninestudions @birkenstock
Sound Design: Blacktri Audio
Short Synopsis: This one's for the family.

Family does not necessarily mean family by blood. It might as well be a community, neighbors or just friends. A family connected by beliefs and style. A place of comfort, diversity, kindness and warmth. That is what NEXT OF KIN is all about. With this campaign, we welcome the newest silhouette in the Birkenstock family – the Naples.
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