COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Editing)

Sam Smith - Gloria (Album Trailer) - Pavilion Works - Spotify JPG
Sam Smith - Gloria (Album Trailer) - Pavilion Works - Spotify VIMEO 1m:30s

Sam Smith - Gloria (Album Trailer) - Spotify
Pavilion Works

Sam Smith - Gloria (Album Trailer) - Spotify - Pavilion Works


Title of Piece: Sam Smith - Gloria (Album Trailer)
Brand: Spotify
Production Company: Pavilion Works
Director(s): Emily McDonald
Producer(s): Cree Brown
Agency: The In
Client: Spotify
Instagram Tag: Prod: @pavilionworks | Dir.: @emily_mcdon | EP: @alice_gilfillan | Producer: @cree_buttercup | Editor: @samhardy.editor | Colour: @_nlsn_ | Sound: Ed Railton | Animation: @lou_lj_
Short Synopsis: A trailer to promote the release of Sam Smith's new album, Gloria. Edited using footage supplied by Sam shot during the recording.
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