Live Brighter - Matte Projects - Solaray JPG
Live Brighter - Matte Projects - Solaray JPG
Live Brighter - Matte Projects - Solaray JPG
Live Brighter - Matte Projects - Solaray MP4 1m:00s

Live Brighter - Solaray
Matte Projects

Live Brighter - Solaray - Matte Projects


Title of Piece: Live Brighter
Brand: Solaray
Production Company: Matte Projects
Director(s): Isaac Sokol
Agency: Matte Projects
Client: Solaray
Director of Photography: Taylor McIntosh
Editor: Chiao Chen & Isaac Sokol
Creative Director: Isaac Sokol
Colour Grading: Elliott Powell
Sound Design: Joaquin Ignacio Gomez
Instagram Tag: @isaacsokol @matteprojects
Short Synopsis: A passing stranger triggers a memory of a past life now lost, inspiring gratitude for the now.
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