Mediterranean Dream - BLUR - MANGO JPG
Mediterranean Dream - BLUR - MANGO VIMEO 1m:35s

Mediterranean Dream - MANGO

Mediterranean Dream - MANGO - BLUR


Title of Piece: Mediterranean Dream
Brand: MANGO
Production Company: BLUR
Director(s): DIANA KUNST
Producer(s): ZICO JUDGE
Client: MANGO
Director of Photography: DANIEL FERNANDEZ ABELLÓ
Production Design: POL AGUSTÍ
Instagram Tag: Director Diana Kunst @dianakunst Executive Producer Zico Judge Producer @seteledo DOP @abellodani Editor @carlosfontclos Composer @zmdelariva Sound design Colorist @josephbicknell Casting Director @eduperezcasting Writer VO @alejandrasmits 1st AD @luiscasacubertaabril Stylist @juliasanchismeseguer Art Director @polagusti Make-up & Hair @sonam_hw Production Manager Foncho Rodríguez Production Coordinator @jaimecruzf Key PA @nitus_rubies_almaraz Stylist Assistant Lorena Mon Focus Puller @jaumeavizanda 2nd AC @arkaitz_latorre 2nd AC / Loader @cistellapower BTS @subrogado Post-production Coordinator @db44havingfun Casting Coordinator @celiadelmar Casting Coordinator Eva Lorenzana @lorenzanaerdozain Production Assistant @gemmamt Editor Cutdowns & Social Media @bernatudina VO Studio @thelobby_sound English VO Alicia Pascual Lobo Image Post Production @metropolitanapost Producer Mallorca @bibilacroix Producer Greece Eugenia Papanou @avionfilms Producer Italy Tommaso Pellicci @ Karen Film Titles & credits @cordovacanillas
Short Synopsis: A Mediterranean Dream is a kaleidoscope of colourful moments, both candid and inspirational, which tell a heartfelt story of unity and belonging. Inspired by the sea itself -which serves as an almost unifying element-, Mango travels to various locations throughout the Mediterranean in order to show that it’s not just a place on the map, but an attitude and a way of life.
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