Mother Nature's Power - Baden-Wuerttemberg - Extinction Rebellion JPG
Mother Nature's Power - Baden-Wuerttemberg - Extinction Rebellion JPG
Mother Nature's Power - Baden-Wuerttemberg - Extinction Rebellion MOV 2m:52s

Mother Nature's Power - Extinction Rebellion

Mother Nature's Power - Extinction Rebellion - Baden-Wuerttemberg

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Mother Nature's Power
Brand: Extinction Rebellion
Production Company: Baden-Wuerttemberg
Director(s): Nicolas Bori
Producer(s): Marco Henn
Client: Extinction Rebellion
Director of Photography: Jan Fabi
Production Design: Nils Schimitzek
Editor: Ann-Kathrin Matthes
Creative Director: Nicolas Bori
Script: Nicolas Bori
Copywriter: Nicolas Bori
Visual Effects: Lucas Bruchhage, Martin Egger
Costume Design: Mara Laibacher
Music Composer: 2wei Music
Sound Design: Robin Harff & Floyd Fürstenau
Instagram Tag: @nicolasivanbori @msbmarco @jan_fabl
Short Synopsis: A young girl, worried about climate change, seems to have lost all hope on anyone really doing something to stop it. So, she decides to go on a journey to ask Mother Nature herself, before it is too late.
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