Leo Baker - Andre Bato Films - Drobox JPG
Leo Baker - Andre Bato Films - Drobox JPG
Leo Baker - Andre Bato Films - Drobox VIMEO 1m:45s

Leo Baker - Drobox
Andre Bato Films

Leo Baker - Drobox - Andre Bato Films


Title of Piece: Leo Baker
Brand: Drobox
Production Company: Andre Bato Films
Director(s): Stella Asia Consonni
Producer(s): Maximilian Kurzweil
Agency: Conde Nast
Client: Them
Director of Photography: Arseni Khachaturan
Production Design: Luiza Rosa
Editor: Nathan Rodgers
Music Composer: Jean Studio
Sound Design: Jean Studio
Instagram Tag: @stellaasiaconsonni @andrebato
Short Synopsis: Through Leo’s experience, the film reflects on the importance of treasuring memories with our loved ones. Having a secure place where they can live, means that they will always be able to remind us of how far we have come in the lifelong process of finding our authentic self.
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