COMMERCIAL WORK (Cultural Impact)

We Are Undefeatable - Knucklehead - Sport England JPG
We Are Undefeatable - Knucklehead - Sport England MP4 1m:00s

We Are Undefeatable - Sport England

We Are Undefeatable - Sport England - Knucklehead


Title of Piece: We Are Undefeatable
Brand: Sport England
Production Company: Knucklehead
Client: Sport England
Agency: FCB Inferno
Director(s) : JJ Augustavo
Producer(s): Francis Mildmay-White
Director of Photography: Luke Jacobs
Editor: Vid Price
Costume Design: Melanie Mildmay-White
Music Composer: Dean Kay and Kelly Gordon (That's Life) arranged by Luis Almau
Sound Design: Henning Knoepfel at Soundtree
Individual Credits: Chief Creative Officer: Owen Lee
Individual Credits: Creative Partner: Al Young
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