MUSIC VIDEOS (Craft: Editing)

J Christ - SixTwentySix - Lil Nas X JPG
J Christ - SixTwentySix - Lil Nas X VIMEO 2m:50s

J Christ - Lil Nas X

J Christ - Lil Nas X - SixTwentySix


Title of Piece: J Christ
Client/Brand: Lil Nas X
Production Company: SixTwentySix
Director(s): Lil Nas X
Producer(s): Austin Barbera, Jake Krask, Stephan Bielecki
DoP: Elias Talbot
Short Synopsis: Lil Nas X is brilliant at skewering the twisted zeitgeist of America’s religiosity. "J Christ," his new music video, is no exception. Dressed as a femme Jesus wearing high-heeled boots and a flowing mane and waving at a moonwalking Michael Jackson, Lil Nas X takes the viewer through a vignette of biblical scenes that only he could imagine.
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