MUSIC VIDEOS (Craft: Idea)

Amor Mio - Mama Hungara, +Lab - Maria Campos JPG
Amor Mio - Mama Hungara, +Lab - Maria Campos VIMEO 3m:12s

Amor Mio - Maria Campos
Mama Hungara, +Lab

Amor Mio - Maria Campos - Mama Hungara, +Lab


Title of Piece: Amor Mio
Client/Brand: Maria Campos
Production Company: Mama Hungara, +Lab
Director(s): Hernan Corera & Mateo Yaya
Producer(s): Belisario Saravia
DoP: Luciano Badaracco
Instagram Tag: @mamahungara @hernancorera @maslabaudiovisual
Short Synopsis: “We connect in that when we think of music, we do so in images, and when we think of images, we listen to music. And luckily for us, we felt Maria’s music contained a whole universe inside,”
'Amor Mio' portrays a striking story of love and death, shot on 16mm in the Province of San Juan, Argentina.
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