COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Editing)

La Révolution - Stink Films - Citröen JPG
La Révolution - Stink Films - Citröen YOUTUBE 1m:21s

La Révolution - Citröen
Stink Films

La Révolution - Citröen - Stink Films


Title of Piece: La Révolution
Client/Brand: Citröen
Production Company: Stink Films
Director(s): Fredrik Bond
Producer(s): Alicia Richards
Agency: BETC Paris
DoP: Potier Arnaud
Production Design: Fritjof Granström
Editor: Patric Ryan
Colour Grading: Jean-Clément Soret & Matthieu Toullet @ Company 3
Music Composer: David Bowie
Instagram Tag: @citroen @fredrikbondvenice @stinkfilms @stink_paris @la_pac @betcparis
Short Synopsis: Citroën takes aim at the elite in revolutionary-themed campaign for the new ë-c3

For too long, electric cars have been the exclusive domain of the ultra-wealthy or the eco-virtuous, priced far beyond the reach of ordinary people. But now, Citroën is breaking down barriers with the introduction of the ë-C3.

In a whimsical, epic campaign directed by iconic director Fredrik Bond, a daring group of rebels crashes an ultra-lavish garden party to seize a fleet of ë-C3s from a crowd of wig-wearing, cake-eating elites. Against the backdrop of David Bowie’s "Suffragette City," the rebels navigate a series of absurd security measures – polo players, a barrage of golf balls, and a haphazardly tossed tennis net – as the elites desperately try to keep electric cars out of the hands of the masses.
Extra Credit 1: Line Producer: Clémentine Tatin
Extra Credit 2: Creative Director: Nicholas Bakshi
Extra Credit 3: EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Helène Ségol, Jérome Denis
Extra Credit 4: STYLIST: Zsófia Ferencz
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