MUSIC VIDEOS (Cultural Impact)

ZBROYA - der Japaner - DONBA₴GRL JPG
ZBROYA - der Japaner - DONBA₴GRL VIMEO 3m:33s

der Japaner

ZBROYA - DONBA₴GRL - der Japaner


Title of Piece: ZBROYA
Client/Brand: DONBA₴GRL
Production Company: der Japaner
Director(s): C. Yuhki Oka
Producer(s): Lucy Betulius
DoP: Leonhard Kairat
Director of Photography: Leonhard Kairat
Production Design: Kit Lewis
Editor: C. Yuhki Oka
Colour Grading: Lutz Forster
Costume Design: Christina Austin
Instagram Tag: @donbasgrl @leonhardkairat @lutz_forster #zbroya #donbasgrl
Short Synopsis: The musicvideo as a result of the decision to stay. And to live.
It is about the inner fight with depression and was made to inspire people to continue living despite the dark war times.
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