Defy the Noise - Intergalactic Studios - Beats By Dre JPG
Defy the Noise - Intergalactic Studios - Beats By Dre MP4 53s

Defy the Noise - Beats By Dre
Intergalactic Studios

Defy the Noise - Beats By Dre - Intergalactic Studios


Title of Piece: Defy the Noise
Client/Brand: Beats By Dre
Production Company: Intergalactic Studios
Director(s): Dylan Friese-Greene
Producer(s): Rhory Danniells, Tom Ringsby
DoP: Stephen Dunn
Instagram Tag: @dylanfriesegreene @intergalactic.studios @stephen_dunn
Short Synopsis: An aspiring basketball player harnesses the power of Beats to get in the zone and tune out an oblivious janitor.
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