Sonho - Stink Films - - JPG
Sonho - Stink Films - - MP4 14m:04s

Sonho - -
Stink Films

Sonho - - - Stink Films


Title of Piece: Sonho
Brand: -
Production Company: Stink Films
Director(s): Douglas Ratzlaff Bernardt
Producer(s): Ingrid Raszl, Renata Dumont, Tico Cruz, Carol Junqueira, Camila Martinez
Agency: -
Client: Nego Bala
Director of Photography: Pierre de Kerchove
Production Design: Carol Ozzi
Editor: Lucas Moesch
Script: Douglas R. Bernardt, Nego Bala, AKQA/Coala.Lab
Visual Effects: Bruno Steger e Valter Carrasco Junior, Juliano Storchi
Colour Grading: BLEACH
Music Composer: Thiago Colli, Charly Coombes, Mike Vclek, Adilson Koiti
Sound Design: Kito Siqueira, Roberto Coelho, Hurso Ambriffi
Props Stylist: Bruna Ramos
Instagram Tag: @dougbernardt @stinkberlin @stinkfilms
Short Synopsis: Nego Bala, was born and raised in Boca do Lixo, São Paulo’s roughest neighbourhood. From his reality, there wasn’t many opportunities.
This film is based on real facts from his life, who, at age 12, wrote the lyrics for the song “Sonho” during his first time at a juvenile detention center.
The oppressive penitentiary system takes from kids the right of dreaming.
But there's no cage for talent. There are no bars for imagination.
"To dream is to look inward. To learn is to remember. There's no sorrow in my tears today. There's no hate in my tears anymore. Joy and inspiration."
May this story inspire other kids to never give up on their dreams.
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