ADHD - Säye Skye - Freelance - / JPG
ADHD - Säye Skye - Freelance - / JPG
ADHD - Säye Skye - Freelance - / JPG
ADHD - Säye Skye - Freelance - / YOUTUBE 4m:37s

ADHD - Säye Skye - /

ADHD - Säye Skye - / - Freelance

Official Selection

Title of Piece: ADHD - Säye Skye
Brand: /
Production Company: Freelance
Director(s): Sina Dolati
Producer(s): Säye Skye
Agency: /
Client: Säye Skye
Instagram Tag: @sinadolati_ @sayeskye #ADHD #ADHDSayeSkye
Short Synopsis: “ADHD” is an experimental music video created in collaboration with Iranian-Canadian hiphop electronic artist Säye Skye, based in Toronto. The project celebrates Attention Hyperactivity Disorder as a superpower through a combined lens of comedy and out of this world sci-fi imagery. The project was filmed on a 360/VR camera and later converted to a 2D flat video, to allow for innovative cinematic angles and camera movement simulated in post-production.
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