Sell Your Soul - Dark Horse Rising Productions - Tatum Quinn JPG
Sell Your Soul - Dark Horse Rising Productions - Tatum Quinn JPG
Sell Your Soul - Dark Horse Rising Productions - Tatum Quinn JPG
Sell Your Soul - Dark Horse Rising Productions - Tatum Quinn YOUTUBE 3m:18s

Sell Your Soul - Tatum Quinn
Dark Horse Rising Productions

Sell Your Soul - Tatum Quinn - Dark Horse Rising Productions

Raw Selection

Title of Piece: Sell Your Soul
Brand: Tatum Quinn
Production Company: Dark Horse Rising Productions
Director(s): Karine Dashney
Producer(s): Jordan Lavery, Sam Libman, Karine Dashney
Client: Tatum Quinn
Instagram Tag: @karinedashney @dhrproductions @tatumquinnxo @jordanlaverydirector @katharsisimages
Short Synopsis: Sell Your Soul depicts the all-consuming passion of wanting something so badly you'd be willing to sell your own soul to achieve it.
A classic artist's trope brought to another level as we are thrown into a cyclical world she cannot escape.
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