The Art of Authenticity - EASYdoesit - JPG
The Art of Authenticity - EASYdoesit - JPG
The Art of Authenticity - EASYdoesit - MP4 41s

The Art of Authenticity

The Art of Authenticity - - EASYdoesit

Official Selection

Title of Piece: The Art of Authenticity
Production Company: EASYdoesit
Director(s): Carlo Oppermann
Producer(s): Gregor Möllers, Dimitri Hempel, Selina Kaiser, Hiua Aloji
Client: /
Instagram Tag: @easydoesit_berlin @carlo_oppermann #theartofauthenticity
Short Synopsis: Berlin is quite often pretty dirty. But what if there is one person who takes care of that every day?
We tell the story of a one-man underground department that (by its own claim) makes Berlin the coolest big city in Germany.
The Authority for Urban Authenticity.
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