Winter in Hinterlands - Fetish Film - Fogh Depot JPG
Winter in Hinterlands - Fetish Film - Fogh Depot JPG
Winter in Hinterlands - Fetish Film - Fogh Depot VIMEO 4m:45s

Winter in Hinterlands - Fogh Depot
Fetish Film

Winter in Hinterlands - Fogh Depot - Fetish Film


Title of Piece: Winter in Hinterlands
Brand: Fogh Depot
Production Company: Fetish Film
Director(s): Maksim Arkatov
Producer(s): Antoine Gomktsyan
Client: Fogh Depot
Director of Photography: Dmitry Shebunin
Production Design: Anna Moskaleva
Editor: Maksim Arkatov, Alexey Lapin
Colour Grading: Inkolor
Costume Design: Tania Shim
Music Composer: Fogh Depot
Instagram Tag: @epdenot @fetishfilm
Extra Credit 1: Cast: Vlada Lachimova, Maria Egorova
Short Synopsis: The radio architect is staying in a city for a week. She meets someone who becomes close. А girl, strangely attracted to lights, gradually loses her sight. Should she stay or go, and is it all real or just her image?
Extra Credit 2: MUA: Dasha Mezenceva
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