From Soho With Love - Anna Carradice - Axel Arigato JPG
From Soho With Love - Anna Carradice - Axel Arigato JPG
From Soho With Love - Anna Carradice - Axel Arigato VIMEO 46s

From Soho With Love - Axel Arigato
Anna Carradice

From Soho With Love - Axel Arigato - Anna Carradice


Title of Piece: From Soho With Love
Brand: Axel Arigato
Production Company: Anna Carradice
Director(s): Jan Vrhovnik
Client: Axel Arigato
Short Synopsis: Axel Arigato celebrates the people behind small businesses in London’s boroughs that has through time been at the forefront of diversity, race, sexual belief and ultimately the religion of love. Place that unites and welcomes everyone. Soho. Home away from home. Or home when there is no other place to call home.

The voices of Soho. The silent spectators, faces of quiet, persistent change. Our everyday role models. The heartbeat of London.
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