Durex | The Real Sex Guide - Analog/Digital, BluBlu Studios - Durex JPG
Durex | The Real Sex Guide - Analog/Digital, BluBlu Studios - Durex MP4 6m:29s

Durex | The Real Sex Guide - Durex
Analog/Digital, BluBlu Studios

Durex | The Real Sex Guide - Durex - Analog/Digital, BluBlu Studios

Top 10

Title of Piece: Durex | The Real Sex Guide
Brand: Durex
Production Company: Analog/Digital, BluBlu Studios
Director(s): BluBlu Studios
Producer(s): Jarek Nowak (BluBlu Studios), Patrycja Krajewska (Analog/Digital)
Agency: Inside Ideas Group
Client: Durex
Short Synopsis: Durex - as a brand promoting good sexual practices - has decided to create a series of educational animations that - in an effective and interesting way - pass on important knowledge and help young people to enter into sexual life.
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