Déménagement - Big Productions - EDF JPG
Déménagement - Big Productions - EDF JPG
Déménagement - Big Productions - EDF MP4 1m:00s

Déménagement - EDF
Big Productions

Déménagement - EDF - Big Productions

Top 10

Title of Piece: Déménagement
Brand: EDF
Production Company: Big Productions
Director(s): Réalité
Producer(s): Raphaël Carassic
Agency: HAVAS / BETC
Client: EDF
Director of Photography: Oscar Faura
Creative Director: Rémi Babinet
Copywriter: Thomas Prechac
Short Synopsis: Eva, the endearing heroine of the new EDF saga dedicated to her in three films made by Realité (Big), is moving house. This is an opportunity for her to realise that, if she can't count on the lift and her friends, she can count (a little) on her mother, but above all on EDF (and six biceps!) to help her move and move in with peace of mind.
Extra Credit 1: Art director Marie Donnedieu
Extra Credit 2: TV producer David Green
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