Yoshi Funabashi - 1001 - Seiko JPG
Yoshi Funabashi - 1001 - Seiko JPG
Yoshi Funabashi - 1001 - Seiko VIMEO 3m:30s

Yoshi Funabashi - Seiko

Yoshi Funabashi - Seiko - 1001

Top 10

Title of Piece: Yoshi Funabashi
Brand: Seiko
Production Company: 1001
Director(s): Mattia Ramberti
Producer(s): 1001
Client: Seiko
Director of Photography: Gabriele Rossi
Editor: Gigi Giallini
Music Composer: Original 80s Music: Alberto Ladduca
Short Synopsis: A stylised portrait surrounding Yoshi Funabashi, founder of Studio Ypsilon: a luxury atelier designing Italian classics with a Japanese touch. By mixing his sophisticated heritage with a fascination for Italian music, Yoshi’s character becomes the embodiment of the “Opera Connoisseur”.
Extra Credit 1: Creative Producer: Martina Abbado
Extra Credit 2: Associate Producer & Photographer: Giovanni Galanello
Extra Credit 3: Colorist: Alessio Zanard
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