Proud To Be Māori - Motion Sickness - Te Whānau O Waipareira JPG
Proud To Be Māori - Motion Sickness - Te Whānau O Waipareira MP4 1m:52s

Proud To Be Māori - Te Whānau O Waipareira
Motion Sickness

Proud To Be Māori - Te Whānau O Waipareira - Motion Sickness

Top 10

Title of Piece: Proud To Be Māori
Brand: Te Whānau O Waipareira
Production Company: Motion Sickness
Director(s): Sam Stuchbury
Producer(s): Joespeh McAlpine
Agency: Motion Sickness
Client: Te Whānau O Waipareira
Short Synopsis:
Te Whānau O Waipareira work alongside urban Māori to create positive life outcomes. Part of this is removing the whakamā (shame) of needing help. ‘Proud To Be Maori’ is an integrated campaign that addresses the hardships Māori face and continue to endure today then flips the narrative to show how asking for support is not a sign of weakness, but rather the essence of collective strength and solidarity. Within a landscape of systemic racism and oppression the campaign was designed to empower the urban Māori community Waipareira serve and advocate for.
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