There. But here first. - 1. Yandex Magic Camp and 2. Stereotactic - Ultima JPG
There. But here first. - 1. Yandex Magic Camp and 2. Stereotactic - Ultima VIMEO 1m:04s

There. But here first. - Ultima
1. Yandex Magic Camp and 2. Stereotactic

There. But here first. - Ultima - 1. Yandex Magic Camp and 2. Stereotactic


Title of Piece: There. But here first.
Brand: Ultima
Production Company: 1. Yandex Magic Camp and 2. Stereotactic
Director(s): Gigi and Roy Ben Artzi
Producer(s): Daria Kosacheva
Agency: Yandex Magic Camp
Client: Yandex Go
Creative Director: Olga Vertinskaya
Copywriter: Tatiana Kolotilova
Props Stylist: Alexandra Cronan
Short Synopsis: Ultima is a brand that unites the premium classes of a ride-hailing app Yandex Go. Luxurious and ironic campaign for the young premium taxi brand Ultima presents features that help to customize the ride. The video «There. But here first» toying with the clichés of premium advertising, subtly parodying bombastic voice-overs, special music deliberately exalting the mood, and a cinematic style that switches gears as soon as philosophical abstractions coalesce into simple client needs and their equally simple solution. The girl is adding a mid-stop in the app to get a smoothie.
Extra Credit 1: Senior Art Director: Lilia Popovskaya
Extra Credit 2: DoP: William Desene
Extra Credit 3: Marketing Manager: Irina Egelskaya
Extra Credit 4: Head of Magic Camp: Mitya Meshcheryakov
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