#GeballterFeminismus​: Jetzt. Sofort. Immer. / #Unflinchingfeminism: Now. Today. Always. - Florida Reklame - Weltfrauantag / international womens day JPG
#GeballterFeminismus​: Jetzt. Sofort. Immer. / #Unflinchingfeminism: Now. Today. Always. - Florida Reklame - Weltfrauantag / international womens day VIMEO 2m:53s

#GeballterFeminismus​: Jetzt. Sofort. Immer. / #Unflinchingfeminism: Now. Today. Always. - Weltfrauantag / international womens day
Florida Reklame

#GeballterFeminismus​: Jetzt. Sofort. Immer. / #Unflinchingfeminism: Now. Today. Always. - Weltfrauantag / international womens day - Florida Reklame


Title of Piece: #GeballterFeminismus​: Jetzt. Sofort. Immer. / #Unflinchingfeminism: Now. Today. Always.
Brand: Weltfrauantag / international womens day
Production Company: Florida Reklame
Director(s): Arabella Bartsch
Producer(s): Sophie Ulrich, Tim Sproten
Agency: Arabella Bartsch
Client: Bündnis 90 / die Grünen
Director of Photography: jonas schneider
Production Design: lisa mary kracke
Editor: sebastian stoffels
Creative Director: arabella bartsch
Script: Arabella Bartsch
Copywriter: Arabella Bartsch
Visual Effects: x
Animation: x
Costume Design: Wiebke Lebus
Music Composer: Parka Sounds
Sound Design: Parka Sounds
Props Stylist: lisa mary kracke
Short Synopsis: The theme of this 3 minute long online film is creating real equality.
In a kind of performance art - museum piece - our „sand women“ discuss the grievances of women (concentrated and packed into facts). The grievance is symbolized by the sand, they are stuck in, can't get out. One is even almost "suffocated" in a tapered glass box. the more they get stuck and filled up the more blatant the facts become. Another character is the corner lady who stares into the corner and doesn't see the problem in form of a huge pile of sand. They have a big fight later and only in the argument does she turn around and the others also free themselves. But the sand they are stuck in is moldable and can be used for change. So the sand women but als the audience re-use the sand to balance the scales of the collapsed sand justitia. The scale symbolically create balance. now. today. always. demands to change structures for real equality.
Extra Credit 1: Gaffer: Sandra Glaser
Extra Credit 2: Grading: Mai Lasan
Extra Credit 3: H&M: Annika Jeck
Extra Credit 4: Grip: Dustin John
Extra Credit 5: 1 AC: Flu Popow
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